Chocolate Care

Caring for your Chocolate
An absolute love for chocolate must have brought you to this page so we will endeavour to give you the best advice for caring for your prized possessions or new purchases!

Chocolate is best keep in a cool dark dry place often your pantry in your kitchen will be best or some of our customers have even resorted to keeping it under their beds.
Its best not to keep chocolate in the fridge, not only will this reduce the flavour but it causes chocolate to condensate and may result in the chocolate blooming.  Blooming is the powdery white residue you sometimes see on the top of chocolate - don't worry it hasn't gone off.  Blooming is what happens when the chocolate has been put in conditions where the temperature fluctuates causing the cocoa butter to seperate.

Chocolate and Pets
Just a friendly warning, chocolate and animals don't mix well, not only is chocolate not good for your pets, but if you are feeding it to them there is less for you.